A Country styled shooting in a ranch is a fabulous way when you want to take a break from your daily routine. While I was looking at some photos on my laptop, I bumped into a shooting planned many years ago, that I had almost forgotten…

But let’s start from the beginning. Horse riding is one of my passions, and this post is about it….and much more. No glamorous vendors or stunning venue. Just horses, puppies, home-made biscuits, and lots of cool details belonging to my family!

The goal of this country styled shooting in a ranch is to show how to plan a great shooting with few elements, as long as you have a strong concept and the coolest protagonists ever. 

Firstly, the above table shows a lot about my family. Secondly, the cowboy hat belongs to my Dad, and so the spurs. The wooden “love” letters have been crafted and painted by Daddy for one of the shootings I planned some years ago.

All the old books, the chandelier, and the powder-blue boxes of this Country styled shooting in a ranch come from a flea market near Rome.

And last but not least, the biscuits called “ferratelle” by the iron (“ferro”) used to shape them have been prepared by my Mom according to an ancient recipe that she learnt from my Grandma. Every time I eat them, their unique aroma takes me many years back when I was a child and the house was filled with that unmistakable scent.

Oh, I was almost forgetting the ancient frames. I “kind of” stole them from my uncle’s house when I saw them covered with dust and abandoned in his basement. 

I also found the perfect cake for these photos in the storage place of my office. I just decorated it with some ivy and flowers. Having fun is a piece of cake for a Wedding Planner! 🙂  

Carola is one of the protagonists of this shooting. She enthusiastically accepted my enquiry as she loves animals as much as I do, and she found my concept super cool.

The beauty you see in the next photos is Navajo, my horse. He is an Argentinian horse who loves crunchy bread and cuddles.

And this is Tobia, the cute and fluffy mascotte of the ranch. He is used to playing with everybody and is very happy to strike a pose whenever he is asked to.

And this is one of Navajo’s best friends, a white Arabian horse who is very proud of her origin and is considered the Queen of the ranch!

My special thanks go to the talented photographer: Daniele Pierangeli who did a great job!

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